Getting The Most For Your Money It's not just about getting a great price. There's no sense in buying a product that doesn't perform or won't last. Quality is a high priority at Monoprice. In addition to the comprehensive testing that is done at the factory level, we have a local product testing lab and experienced technicians that test new products as well as sample test current items to make sure that quality standards are being adhered to.
The results of these efforts have been supported by the high rankings given by users in the product reviews on our website and in professional reviews by well known technology media.
A few websites that have reviewed or mentioned our products include: Cnet Gizmodo Audioholics Engadget New York Times CNN Money GeekBrief.TV Maxim Magazine
A quick search on AVS Forum and YouTube will also result in many positive user reviews of our products.
Rapid Growth and Order Fulfillment In a fairly short time, Monoprice has grown from a small in-home operation to huge enterprise employing over 150 full and temporary employees. The company has recently moved to a 173,000 square-foot centralized office and warehouse facility with plans for further expansion for greater coverage in the future. New automated and computerized order fulfillment systems have been implemented to ensure greater accuracy and efficiency. We are constantly looking for ways to improve the order fulfillment process including better ways to train customer service and warehouse personnel, stronger supply side relations and using the latest warehouse technologies.